The Candidate Provider Qualification (CPQ) process is a key component of the ISG FutureSource™ methodology. The objective of the CPQ process is to identify providers qualified to provide in-scope services for a client and facilitate strong conversations between an ISG advisor and their clients on providers that should be included in the ISG FutureSource™ process. As a part of this program, ISG advisors are provided with a list of relevant service providers to create an initial recommendation or longlist for their enterprise engagements. Based on the requirements and maturity of enterprise clients, the CPQ team highlights the related strengths and weaknesses of the selected service providers, along with their profiles, case studies and market experiences, to support their recommendations.

We do prepare profiles of each service provider based for different studies. The information for the same is captured from the same data inputs of the RFI for each study. These profiles go through a fact check from the providers and are uploaded for CPQ and for the advisors information. The profiles are uploaded internally and is restricted to ISG community only and not for external use.


The data used to produce the initial recommendation long list, is a combination of data that is collected to create the ISG Provider Lens™ quadrant and archetype reports and proprietary ISG data assets (such as the Contract KnowledgeBase, Voice of the Customer (VOC) survey data, Advisory Awareness Survey data, ISG Quarterly Index, etc.). The CPQ process is intended to follow three phases:

Phase 1: Initiating a request for the recommendation long list;

Phase 2: Filtering the long list down to the final short list (leveraging the more granular level data collected thru the ISG Provider Lens™ studies to narrow the list to more closely match the client’s requirements);

Phase 3: When applicable, requesting additional information and material from the short listed providers (in preparation to present the list to the client and when critical data is missing for certain providers).

ISG CPQ Process