ISG ProBenchmark®

Real-time benchmarking and price intelligence for IT, BPO & Network Services

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New: Cybersecurity Price Insights

One way to measure your cybersecurity program is to benchmark your cybersecurity spend. Are you spending the market average? Below? Above? Are you spending on the right things to get the best protection for your cybersecurity investments?

Avoid the guessing game. Get real-time insights from the new Probenchmark® capability: cybersecurity pricing benchmarks from real-world client engagements to help you make the right level of investment in security services.

Read our Press Release      ISG Cybersecurity Advisory

As the only patented IT price benchmarking and market cost intelligence platform in the industry, ProBenchmark is powered by the largest database of market price points of its kind, gathered from ISG’s advisory and benchmarking businesses.

With more than 23,500 completed engagements for more than 2,700 clients, ISG has advised or benchmarked more than 2,100 transactions, representing more than $457 billion of contract value. This makes ISG's database the largest of its kind in the industry and a trusted IT benchmarking service provider.

Price monitor your existing outsourcing transactions.

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Are your IT services market competitive?

Outsourcing contracts become uncompetitive over time, as services are added and COLA clauses kick in

Determining price competitiveness using a tripartite cost benchmark analysis is costly, and typically is performed only once every 12 to 18 months

Most organizations don't know when their contract becomes uncompetitive, or by how much

Instantly know when your contract is uncompetitive

Avoid contract value leakage with access to real-time IT industry market price intelligence

Gain at-a-glance dashboard visibility to contract price competitiveness

Level the playing field when it comes to IT price benchmarking and market price intelligence

Get timely, accurate and actionable results


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