ISG enabled the recompete of the maintenance of a bank's SAP core banking solution, reducing cost of maintenance by between 20-40% across different core banking modules.

This bank initiated a major transformation program that focused on improving its process, systems and underlying costs efficiencies.
As part of re-examining cost efficiencies, the bank asked ISG to review the current support spend for the SAP core banking modules and the underlying maintenance service levels.
The existing support provider was limited in its capacity to support the transformation both from a service delivery and cost perspective.

Imagining IT Differently
ISG undertook a robust data gathering process to map the banks functional requirements and the degree of support required for each module.
A statement of work and a service level exhibit was written indicating the degree of service and level of support required.
ISG helped the company determine pricing based on the banking module based and based on the level of shoring needed.

Future Made Possible
In addition to the cost efficiencies indicted, the bank was able to gain greater transparency in service delivery and ensure end-to-end service reporting.