ISG helped a bank by providing negotiation support and the design of a robust service delivery framework covering both IT and core banking services.

The bank was in a full-scope IT outsourcing and the existing contract with incumbent provider is expiring. Several reasons (e.g., obligation to change core banking platform, suboptimal performance, etc.) forced the bank to reflect the upcoming second generation outsourcing.
The given time constraint was the reason for a challenging backward scheduling to conduct a request for information (RFI) (downselect from 5 to 2 providers), followed by a request for proposals (RFP) (downselect from 2 to 1 provider) whereby considering the most important premise: “Bank follows IT.”
The given time constraint was the reason for a challenging backward scheduling to conduct a request for information (RFI) (downselect from 5 to 2 providers), followed by a request for proposals (RFP) (downselect from 2 to 1 provider) whereby considering the most important premise: “Bank follows IT.”

Imagining IT Differently
For the RFP, ISG’s innovative go-to-market approach “RFXOne” was chosen in order to use the defined contract architecture out of the box and meet the aggressive timeline.
The ISG team in combination with bank's in-house consulting team successfully accomplished the RFI phase, RFP phase, preparation of the pre-project and the pre-project, thus ensuring the premise “Bank follows IT” were contained in ISG´s service blueprint.
The ISG team in combination with bank's in-house consulting team successfully accomplished the RFI phase, RFP phase, preparation of the pre-project and the pre-project, thus ensuring the premise “Bank follows IT” were contained in ISG´s service blueprint.

Future Made Possible
This service blueprint formed the core of the service delivery framework that the bank is using going forward for more agility in banking IT.
The bank is in the process of achieving significant added value in terms of standardization, digitalization and time-to-market for their future.
The bank is in the process of achieving significant added value in terms of standardization, digitalization and time-to-market for their future.